I got invited by the Document Foundation this September to the yearly LibOCon, the LibreOffice conference, which took place in Bucharest, Romania, this year.
I have been working on implementing accessibility testing in LibreOffice as part of my day job: the goal was to implement a framework and scenarios for testing the user interface accessibility at all levels. The ultimate goal being to help improve the overall accessibility of the software by simplifying test-driven development as well as avoiding unnoticed regressions.
Joining the LibOCon was a great opportunity to meet face-to-face the people with whom I have been working, getting to know them a little bit better, and talk about some of the work we’re doing or issues we’re facing.
I was also very pleased to see how many talks were targeting accessibility in various forms, from authoring more accessible documents to overall user interface accessibility, and how much developers were aware and concerned.
I’ve had the opportunity to present some of my work, and discuss what’s done, and what’s left to do in the area. I also had the opportunity to attend to a wide variety of talks, diving in areas I’m less familiar with, which is a great way to get an overview and learn about other aspects of the software and the community around it.
Huge thanks to the Document Foundation for inviting me, and to all sponsors for making these events possible. It really was a pleasure to meet everybody, and the organizing team was stellar!